Muse Victoria

I welcome you, beautiful soul! Thank you for your interest in my services. I'm Muse Victoria. Let me tell you a little bit about me and about what I do.

I'm a very inspiring soul, full of love. I always felt so much love within me that I wanted to share it with the world. I've been always writing poems since childhood and once I learned English, I started thinking in English and writing poems only in English. I've been always a searching soul, searching for the truth, its purpose, meaning of life and the way to express myself. So for me poetry was a doorway to the soul, the way to explore and learn myself and the deep understanding about the world and life. And once I realized that I'm meant to inspire:

I'm the muse, meant to inspire,
I'm a spark within every fire,
fire of love, that warms every heart,
making you feel a divine blissful part. 


I wrote two poetry books so far. One is about my soul's journey and the other one is daily inspirations to inspire everyone to find inspiration in daily routine and live their best authentic life.


As a free soul I started to create websites with my husband. We always learned and learned on practice, following our hearts and we became a great team. We created amazing website and we worked with people from all the continents. It allowed me to learn people better and to do the best work for the best benefits of all. I always worked from my heart and now I realize that over the years my soul led me in the most magical way. Now I mostly work with people who want to live authentically, expanding their true unique potential, who follow their hearts, creating a difference in the world, making it a better place. Connecting with people's souls and feeling energy, I can sense what is the best possible website could be for a particular person. That's why collaborating with others, we can create a magical and the best solution for each person to help people grow and open up their full potential. 


On my soul's journey I was led to create my own jewelry. And since all I create, I create from my soul, with a positive and loving intention, I started to create my soulful jewelry. Then I discovered a magic of crystals, their amazing energies and how their energies could be a tool for us, humans, on our journey. So I started to create my soulful jewelry with gemstones. I create them with personal intentions to help people enhance their energies or to achieve particular goals in their lives.